At Semper Fi Design, security is our top priority. We keep a vigilant eye on all websites hosted on our platform to prevent security breaches, detect malware, defend against DDoS attacks, thwart brute force attacks, and much more.
Rest assured that security will not be a reason to worry about.
Every website hosted on 10Web is checked regularly for detecting and preventing malicious intents. Our system crawls, identifies and blocks suspicious bots automatically. Login attempts limiter prevents brute force attacks by default.
Receive active and passive measures in order to prevent most common WordPress attacks and malicious actions.
We monitor and periodically scan hosted sites
to detect malicious code and proactively clean
up a hacked website.
Once a hacked site has been detected, we immediately start the Malware Removal Process and notify the website owner.
Get free "Let's Encrypt" SSL certificates with all 10Web hosting plans. Automatically renew expired certificates and enable the https function.
Your website is monitored and secured 24/7 for uptime, DDoS attack detection, and software-
based restrictions.
Each WordPress site hosted on 10Web is completely isolated from others – we use Linux containers
which provide isolated environments for every website.
Each container has all of the software resources required to run the websites in isolation, which means
that if one of your websites is under malware attack, it won’t affect the remaining hosted websites using the same account.
Semper FI Design is owned by USMC veteran owner of Semper FI Design LLC. Bring your ideas to life with custom graphics, website and videos.
All Rights Reserved by Semper FI Design LLC Copyright 2023.