Interview with Brandy Brockman with Upstate SC Get Snacked a non-profit providing snacks for children. Brandy is heading up the children’s area with fun, family, kids activities, and of course snacks for the Veterans Freedom Festival in Westminster, South Carolina on August 12 2023 on E. Main Street.
#upstatescgetsnacked @thebrockmanbunch @brandybrockman
What is the Veterans Freedom Festival?
Well, we’re starting an annual festival called the Veterans Freedom Festival to honor veterans, celebrate our freedom, and help any veteran in need. This festival will help kick off a series of projects our team has been diligently working on for a long time.
Learn all about it at
To make this event possible WE NEED MORE VENDORS AND SPONSORS!!! To help
visit to find out the many ways you can participate in this great event that is truly all about veterans.
All funds go towards the Veterans Freedom Festival backed by Semper Fi Design, @talkingwithheroes, Shop America, the non-profit Thank You For Your Service and
Talking WIth Heroes is a National Media Network for the Military, Veterans, First Responders and all who support us.
Thank You for Your Service funds Talking With Heroes
( and sponsors
Shop America(
Visit for more information.